XXVII Fonetiikan päivät - Phonetics Symposium 2012

Tallinn, Estonia, February 17-18, 2012

Phonetics Symposium 2012 (XXVII Fonetiikan päivät) continues the tradition of meetings of Finnish phoneticians started in 1971 in Turku. These meetings, held in turn at different universities in Finland, have been frequently attended by Estonian phoneticians too. In 1998 the meeting was held in Pärnu, Estonia, and in 2012 it will take place in Estonia for the second time.

In the past two years we have lost three world-renowned scholars in the phonetic sciences – Ilse Lehiste, Matti Karjalainen and Arvo Eek. The symposium shall commemorate and honor their scientific contributions to Estonian and Finnish phonetics and speech technology.

Link to Proceedings by TUT Press

The symposium was hosted by the Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology (IoC) and organized in co-operation with the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Computer Science, EXCS (funded mainly by the European Regional Development Fund).

IOC logo EXCS logo ERDF logo
The symposium was supported by the Ministry of Education and Research. HM logo

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