In connection to the structural reform of TUT, the Institute of Cybernetics has been closed. From 1 Jan 2017, the staff of the institute were moved to the new Department of Software Science of the new School of Information Technology and the new Department of Cybernetics in the new School of Science.
Akadeemia tee 21 12618 Tallinn Estonia |
Account (IBAN) EE78 2200 2210 0712 2812 in Swedbank (BIC HABA EE2X)
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Cybernetica AS (our neighbour for years) moved to a new address Mäealuse 2/1.
The street address of the Institute of Cybernetics is Akadeemia tee 21B. Entrance is through Akadeemia tee 21/1 (“Küberneetika Maja”).