The Institute of Cybernetics (IoC) is a research and development institution at the Tallinn University of Technology (TUT).
Read about the institute's history.
As of 1 Sept. 2015, IoC employs 106 people (63 men, 43 women). 86 of them occupy research positions or positions related to research (eg PhD students employed as technical staff).
The institute employs 5 members of the Estonian Academy of Science, namely Hillar Aben, Jüri Engelbrecht, Tarmo Soomere, Enn Tõugu and Tarmo Uustalu.
52 of the research staff have a PhD or an equivalent or higher degree; 4 of them are doctors of science, 14 candidates of science. The institute employees 27 PhD students.
A distinctive feature of IoC on the Estonian research landscape is the international character of its research staff. 20 of our research staff have come from abroad to work with us, most of them postdocs.
The Institute of Cybernetics is active in research and development and in PhD tuition. A common characteristic of the research topics pursued at the institute (mechanics and applied mathematics, control systems, computer science) is application of mathematical methods.
The funding of the research and development activity of the institute is entirely project-based. Domestically, we are mainly funded through the baseline funding and institutional and personal research grants of the Ministry of Education and Research and the Estonian Research Council. A significant part of our funding is provided by projects of the European Union (structural funds projects, framework programme projects).
In 2016, IoC is carrying out 4 institutional research grant projects, 5 personal research grant projects and 2 projects of the national programme on Estonian language technology.
From 2002 to 2007, IoC was the home for two out of the seven Estonian national centres of excellence in research of the period: the Centre for Nonlinear Studies, CENS, and the Centre for Dependable Computing, CDC.
Estonian Centre of Excellence in Computer Science, EXCS, was one of the seven Estonian national centres of excellence in research 2008-2015. CENS was one of the five additional national centres of excellence 2011-2015.
In 2016-2023, the research groups of IoC are part of two out of the nine national centres of excellence: Excellence in IT in Estonia, EXCITE, and the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies, CEES.