Tulemused kuulutati välja KübI nõukogu pidulikul istungil 2. septembril 2011.

KübI aasta publikatsioon 2010
Capobianco, S., Uustalu, T. A categorical outlook on cellular automata. - In: Proceedings of JAC 2010 : Journées Automates Cellulaires, December 15-17, 2010, Turku, Finland / Ed. J. Kari. Turku : Turku Center for Computer Science, 2010, 88-99. (TUCS Lecture Notes ; 13). http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00542015/
Kotta, Ü., Kotta, P., Halás, M. Reduction and transfer equivalence of nonlinear control systems: unification and extension via pseudo-linear algebra. - Kybernetika, 2010, 46, 5, 831-849. http://www.kybernetika.cz/content/2010/5/831
KübI aasta noorteadlase publikatsioon 2010
Sepp, M., Vendelin, M., Vija, H., Birkedal, R. ADP Compartmentation analysis reveals coupling between pyruvate kinase and ATPases in heart muscle. - Biophysical Journal, 2010, 98, 12, 2785-2793. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2010.03.025
Tamberg, T. Finding of a class of 2-groups. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2010, 59, 4, 370-374. http://dx.doi.org/10.3176/proc.2010.4.17
Grigorenko, P., Tyugu, E. Higher-order attribute semantics of flat declarative languages. - Computing and Informatics, 2010, 29, 2, 251-280. http://www.sav.sk/index.php?lang=sk&charset=&doc=journal&part=list_articles&journal_issue_no=11112354#abstract_5796

Töid hindas komisjon koosseisus: Jaan Penjam, Jaan Janno, Mati Kutser, Einar Meister, Pearu Peterson, Tanel Mullari, Ahto Kalja, Varmo Vene.