Chad Nester
Welcome to my academic website.
Here you will find copies of my publications.
There are also a few videos of conference talks.
Concurrent Process Histories and Resource Transducers LMCS (PDF, cite)
Cornering Optics with Guillaume Boisseau and Mario Roman. ACT 2022 (PDF, to appear)
A Variety Theorem for Relational Universal Algebra RAMICS 2021 (PDF, cite)
Situated Transition Systems ACT 2021 (PDF, cite)
The Structure of Concurrent Process Histories COORDINATION 2021 (PDF, cite)
Functorial Semantics for Partial Theories with Ivan Di Liberti, Fosco Loregian, and Pawel Sobocinski. POPL 2021 (PDF, cite)
A Foundation for Ledger Structures Tokenomics 2020 (PDF, cite)
System F in Agda, For Fun and Profit with James Chapman, Roman Kireev, and Philip Wadler. MPC 2019 (PDF, cite)
Unravelling Recursion: Compiling an IR with Recursion to System F with Roman Kireev, Micheal Peyton Jones, Philip Wadler, Vasilis Gkoumas, and Kenneth MacKenzie. MPC 2019 (PDF, cite)
Turing Categories and Realizability MSc Thesis, University of Calgary (PDF, cite)
Selected Talks
On Cornering Optics. FMCS 2022, ACT 2022 (slides, video)
On Situated Transition Systems. FMCS 2021, ACT 2021 (slides, video)
On The Structure of Concurrent Process Histories. COORDINATION 2021 (slides, video)
On Partial and Relational Algebraic Theories. POPL 2021, CACS 2021, CT 2021, RAMICS 2021 (slides, video)
On String Diagrams for Cartesian Restriction Categories. SPLS June 2019, SYCO 5 + Strings 3, EWSCS 2020 (slides, video)
On A Foundation for Ledger Structures. SYCO 3, Tokenomics 2020 (slides, video)
On Turing Categories and Realizability. FMCS 2014, OPLSS 2014, FMCS 2016, CT 2016, Category Theory Octoberfest 2017 (slides)