New "produce"-facility of automatic program synthesis has been proposed and implemented in the NUT system. Produce facility enables to synthesize and execute programs consisting of one step. Produce facility gives user some possibility to control problem solving (program synthesis) process in the program written in NUT language. One can perform computations step by step having possibility make decisions about further actions after each computation step.
The NUT language has been widdened by two modes of produce-statement. Semantics of the produce-statements is as follows. Produce prompts searching for first applicable relation, synthesizing a program consisting of one operator (applying this relation) and performing computations by applying constructed program. Produce returns a bool type value which indicates whether the applicable relation has been found and applied or not. 'true' is returned if such relation has been found (in this case an one-step algorithm is built and executed), otherwise 'false' is returned.
The syntax of produce-statements is similar to syntax of compute-statements.