Next: Participation in International Co-operation
Up: Graduate Studies
Previous: PhD Students
- Olga Sokratova (TU). (?) - superv. Uno Kaljulaid.
- Irina Astrova. Object-oriented Data Management: Persistence of Objects - superv. Hele-Mai Haav;
- Ahti Kelder (TU). Bounded Ignorance: A Technique for Increasing Concurrency in Replicated Systems - superv. H.-M. Haav;
- Andrus Järg. Visual Languages - superv. Jaan Penjam;
- Vahur Kotkas. (?) - superv. Enn Tõugu and Jaan Penajm;
- Kristi Uustalu. Natural Language Processing - superv. Jaan Penjam;
- Rando Valt. Interoperability of Knowledged-Based Systems (?) - superv. Enn Tõugu and Jaan Penjam;
- Janek Metsallik Kuhugi kadunud - superv. Jaan Penjam.
- Viktor Petermann Architectures of Informatyion Systems - superv. Jaan Penjam.
Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997