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- M.Harf
- visited Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, twice, on
May 30 - June 22 and on October 16 - December 13. This has been work
under the Agreement for Joint Research Activities between IoC and
KTH and concerned implementation of several semantical extensions of
the NUT language and the program synthesizer of the NUT system.
- A.Kalja
- visited Aarhus University, Denmark, on March 1 - March 20, 1996. The visit was supported by a grant from the Tempus project JEP-06145 and it concerned the problems of software engineering. The results of the visit are presented as an appendix to the software engineering course.
- J.Penjam visited London and Aarhus
- U.Kaljulaid
- Osalesin TB XXII Kevadkoolis, kus juhatasin istungit;
- Osalesin matemaatilise ökoloogia Crafoordi sümpoosionil
(Lundis, sept.1996).
- K.Uustalu
- NorFA summer school on Engineering Applications of AI, Tallinn, June
10 - 15.
- TEMPUS summer school on Information Systems Engineering, Vilnius,
June 18 - 27.
- M.Kääramees
- Komandeering Taani Tehnikaülikooli. Märts - mai 1996 (Põhjamaade Nõukogu stipendium).
Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997