I am a PhD student of Niccolò Veltri and part of the Logic and Semantics Group at Tallinn University of Technology.

Research interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of Computer Science and Mathematics, in particular how to use Homotopy Type Theory to bring methods of (algebraic) geometry, topology and category theory to computer science. You will find me formalizing my results in proof assistants such as Agda and its support for HoTT in the --cubical mode.


Do not hesitate to drop me an email (philipp.joram [at] taltech [dot] ee), or visit me at my office:

Cybernetics Building (CYB), 4th Floor, Room B 403

The postal address is:

Department of Software Science
Tallinn University of Technology
Akadeemia tee 21/B
12618 Tallinn, Estonia