Cellular Automata Software: A Mini-Workshop

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Many people nowadays know about cellular automata, especially Conway's Game of Life. Browsing the Web, it is easy to find applets and scripts that display on screen the temporal evolution of specific cellular automata. The instances of general-purpose cellular automata software, however, are quite rare.
The purpose of this miniworkshop is to provide an occasion and an environment where cellular automata theorists and practitioners can meet with software developers and enthusiasts, to exchange knowledge and opinions on some of the cellular automata software available to the researchers and to the wider public.


Silvio Capobianco. Email: firstname at cs dot ioc dot ee


The mini-workshop shall take place in the afternoon of Tuesday, August 31, 2010, in room B101 starting from 2PM.
The program will follow these guidelines:


The mini-workshop is open to everyone and will follow a "free-for-all" formula. Everyone is invited to contribute, ask questions, or just watch.

It would be good to have an indication on how many people will participate. If you plan to attend, please contact Silvio Capobianco.

This workshop is supported by EXCS -- Estonian Centre of Excellence in Computer Science

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Last update: August 26, 2010

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