Reede, 2. oktoober 2009 / Friday, 2 October 2009 |
| saabumine / arrival |
14.00-15.00 | lõunasöök / lunch |
15.00-16.45 |
Edward Hirsch, Tarmo Uustalu | Meet TCS in St Petersburg and Estonia |
Alexander Kulikov | Introduction to circuit complexity |
Sergey Nurk | An upper bound for circuit SAT |
16.45-17.15 | paus / break |
17.15-19.00 |
Silvio Capobianco | On two translation-invariant pseudo-distances between infinite words and their applications to cellular automata |
Pavel Grigorenko | Symbolic query exploration |
Andrey Breslav | Using grammatical aspects in language engineering |
19.30-20.30 | õhtusöök / dinner |
20.30- | saun & diskussioon / sauna & discussion |
Laupäev, 3. oktoober 2009 / Saturday, 3 October 2009 |
08.00-09.00 | hommikusöök / breakfast |
09.00-10.45 |
Edward Hirsch | Introduction to propositional proof complexity |
Olga Melanich | Constructions of feebly secure cryptographic primitives |
10.45-11.15 | paus / break |
11.15-13.00 |
James Chapman | Relative monads and relative adjunctions |
Keiko Nakata | A Hoare logic for the coinductive trace-based big-step semantics of While |
Vesal Vojdani | Race detection for heap-manipulating low-level C prorgams |
13.00-14.00 | lõunasöök / lunch |
14.00-16.00 | aktiivne ajaviide / activities |
16.00-17.15 |
Emilia Käsper | Anonymous routing via crowds: attacks and optimal constructions |
Peeter Laud | Analysis of the Estonian Mobile-ID protocol |
17.15-17.45 | paus / break |
17.45-19.30 |
Tarmo Uustalu | Publish (x)or play fair? |
19.30-20.30 | õhtusöök / dinner |
20.30- | saun & diskussioon / sauna & discussion |
Pühapäev, 4. oktoober 2009 / Sunday, 4 October 2009 |
08.00-09.00 | hommikusöök / breakfast |
09.00-10.45 |
Dominik Raub | Multi-party computation in presence of corrupted majorities |
Nikolay Gravin | Truthfulness and frugality ratio in cheapest path auctions |
Helger Lipmaa | Additive combinatorics and discrete logarithm based range protocols |
10.45-11.15 | paus / break |
11.15-12.30 |
Bingsheng Zhang | Linear hull and algebraic cryptanalysis of block cipher PRESENT |
Margus Niitsoo | Serial model of attack trees |
12.30 | lõunasöök / lunch |
14.00 |
ärasõit / departure |