Reede, 29. september 2006 |
| saabumine |
15.00-16.00 | lõunasöök |
16.00-17.15 |
Leopold Parts | Statistics and comparative sequence analysis |
Jüri Reimand | GOSH - a gene ontology statistics mining tool |
17.15-17.45 | paus |
17.45-19.30 |
Hedi Peterson | Discovery of regulatory motifs in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae as a first step of understanding the gene regulation of
baker's yeast |
Jevgeni Kabanov | Aranea - a web framework construction and
integration kit |
Pavel Grigorenko | Attribute semantics of declarative
languages |
19.30-20.30 | õhtusöök |
20.30- | saun & diskussioon |
Laupäev, 30. september 2006 |
08.00-09.00 | hommikusöök |
09.00-10.45 |
Gordon Pace | Model checking hardware compilers |
Juhan Ernits | Optimal scheduling using model checking |
10.45-11.15 | paus |
11.15-13.00 |
Peeter Laud | Using data flow analysis for automatic checking of
computational confidentiality in cryptographic protocols |
Ilja Tahhirov | Control and data dependency-based automated
analysis of security protocols for confidentiality |
Tarmo Uustalu | Foundational certification of data-flow analyses |
13.00-14.00 | lõunasöök |
14.00-16.00 | aktiivne ajaviide |
16.00-17.15 |
Maarika Traat | A step towards natural-sounding speech generation |
17.15-17.45 | paus |
17.45-19.30 |
Ando Saabas | A Java bytecode editor |
Jaan Penjam | 65 years from the birth of Uno Kaljulaid |
19.30-20.30 | õhtusöök |
20.30- | saun & diskussioon |
Pühapäev, 1. oktoober 2006 |
08.00-09.00 | hommikusöök |
09.00-10.45 |
Härmel Nestra | On duality in functional programming |
Varmo Vene | Parametricity and strong dinaturality |
Jaan Penjam | Revisiting wreath products of automata |
10.45-11.15 | paus |
11.15-13.00 |
Helger Lipmaa | Lühikesed sertifikaadid NP-keeltele
ekstraheeritavate algoritmide eeldusel |
Sven Laur | Kaks vaatepunkti krüptograafilistele
reduktsioonidele |
Jan Willemson | On the Gordon and Loeb model for information
security investment |
13.00-14.00 | lõunasöök |
ärasõit |