XXVII Fonetiikan päivät - Phonetics Symposium 2012

Tallinn, Estonia, February 17-18, 2012


Oral Presentations

Oral presentation slots are limited to 30 minutes. You should aim for a presentation lasting no longer than 25 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for questions and change of speakers.

Oral papers will be presented by using our PCs pre-installed in the conference room, exceptionally you can use your own PC. Copy and test your presentation before your session or any time earlier. Presentations must be in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 / 2010 or Adobe PDF.

Poster Presentations

Use the standard A0-sized poster (84x119 cm. or 33x47 inches) in PORTRAIT format.

Install your poster before the session during coffee or lunch break. Materials to affix posters to wall will be provided. You should remove your poster from the board immediately at the end of the session.

Valid CSS! Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict Last changed 11 Jan, 2012 13:27 EET by local organizers, fp2012 (at) phon.ioc.ee
FP'12 page: https://ioc.ee/fp2012/