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2001-2010 1991-2000 1980-1990

J. Engelbrecht, A. Berezovski, T. Soomere, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Special issue devoted to the International Conference on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves, 2010, 59, 2, [61]-192 p.

EditorialProc. Est. Acad.Sci. ESTER


C. McBride, T. Uustalu, guest eds. Journal of Functional Programming. [Special issue of the 1st Workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming, MSFP 2006], 2009, 19, 3-4, 263-488.

PrefaceCambridge University PressESTER

Front Cover

N. Magnenat-Thalmann, E. Quak, guest eds. The Visual Computer. Special issue: 3D physiological human, 2009, 25, 9, 825-893.

Editorial SpringerESTER

Front Cover

T. Soomere, K. E. Parnell, S. Keevallik, guest eds. Estonian Journal of Engineering. Special issue on oceanography, meteorology and coastal engineering, 2009, 15, 3, [147]-239.

PrefaceEstonian J EngESTER

Front cover

T. Uustalu, guest ed. Science of Computer Programming. Special issue on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2006), 2009, 74, 8, [495]-668.

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H. Herrmann, P. Ván, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Special issue on continuum physics and engineering applications, 2008, 57, 3, 117-203.
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T. Soomere, S. Keevallik, guest eds. Estonian Journal of Engineering. Special issue on oceanography, meteorology and coastal engineering, 2008, 14, 3, [191]-270.

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D. Beard, M. Vendelin, guest eds. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology. [Special call for papers on the] systems biology of the mitochondrion, 2006, vol. 291, 6; 2007, vol. 292, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6; vol. 293, 1, 2.
J. Engelbrecht, G. A. Maugin, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. Special issue on non-equilibrium dynamical phenomena in inhomogeneous solids - EUROMECH Colloquium 478, 2007, 56, 2, [71]-229.
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S. Nõmm, guest ed. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. Special issue on control and information technology 5th Junior European Meeting, 2007, 56, 4, [295]-374.
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T. Soomere, S. Keevallik, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering. Special issue on oceanography, meteorology and coastal engineering, 2007, 13, 3, [185]-268.

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J. Engelbrecht, Ü. Rudi, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering. Special issue on interaction phenomena in multiphase flows - EUROMECH colloquium No. 447, 2005, 11, 2, [87]-180.
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Linguistica Uralica. Proceedings of the Finnic Phonetic Symposium, August 11-14, 1998. Pärnu. Estonia, 2005, 34, 3, 340 p.

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J. Engelbrecht, M. Kutser, G. A. Maugin, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. Special issue on nonlinear waves in microstructured solids [EUROMECH Colloquium 436], 2003, 52, 1, [1]-168.
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A.Kalja, guest ed. A&A. Riigi infosüsteemide erinumber, 2003, 3, 1-83.

J. Vain, T. Uustalu, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. Special issue on programming theory NWPT'02, 2003, 52, 4, [333]-436.

Front Cover
R. J. Hall, E. Tyugu, guest eds. Automated Software Engineering. [Special issue on automated software engineering], 2001, 8, 1, 1-123.

G. A. Maugin, J. Engelbrecht, A. M. Samsonov, guest eds. Wave Motion. Special issue on nonlinear waves in solids: Analytical and numerical aspects, 2001, 34, 1, ix, 1-141.

Front Cover
1991 - 2000
[J. Engelbrecht, guest ed.] Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering. [Special issue on Fenno-Ugric Days of Mechanics, 1998], 1999, 5, 2, [97]-178.
Front Cover
[M. Kutser, guest ed.] Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. [Special issue on nonlinear dynamical phenomena dedicated to Jüri Engelbrecht on the occasion of his 60th birthday], 1999, 48, 3-4, [161]-305.
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Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering. [Special issue on biomedical engineering], 1999, 5, 4, [257]-321.

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[J. Vain, guest ed.] Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering. [Special issue of the Nordic Workshop on programming theory], 1998, 4, 2, [65]-160.
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[J. Vain, guest ed.] Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. [Special issue of the Nordic Workshop on programming theory], 1998, 47, 3, [145]-242.

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G. A. Maugin, J. Engelbrecht, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. [Special issue on nonlinear dynamics of heterogeneous and microstructured solids - EUROMECH colloquium 348], 1997, 46, 1-2, [1]-148.
Front Cover
J. Engelbrecht, A. Pramila, A. Szekeres, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering. [Special issue of the Fenno-Ugric Days of Mechanics, 1995], 1996, 2, 2, 149-232.
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J. Engelbrecht, guest ed. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. [Special issue on solitons and nonlinear wave motion, centennial of the Korteweg-de Vries equation], 1995, 44, 1, 1-119.
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J. Lippus, guest ed. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. [Special issue of the conference on problems of pure and applied mathematics, 1995], 1996, 45, 2-3, 111-266.
Front Cover
Ü. Rudi, J. Engelbrecht, guest eds. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. [Special issue on] theoretical and experimental aspects of particle-laden flows - EUROMECH colloquium 319, 1994, 43, 4, 217-303.
Front Cover
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics. Special issue dedicated to Nikolai Alumäe, 1993, 42, 1, 1-129.
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1980 - 1990
Communications of the ACM. Soviet computing, 1991, 34, 6, 106 p.

A.V. Nikolaev, D. F. Parker, J. K. Engelbrecht, guest eds. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Special issue - Nonlinear Seismology : Proceedings of the IASPEI Symposium held at Suzdal, USSR, October 31 - November 6, 1986, 1988, 50, 1, viii, 1-109.
Front Cover
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. [Akadeemik Nikolai Alumäe 50.a. juubeli eriväljaanne], 1965, 14, 3, [317]-[495].




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