EstORS - Estonian Operational Research Society

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Though there is no “official definition” of Operational Research it can be characterized by the multitude of optimization methods and algorithms whereas a number of real-life problems can be formulated as an optimization one. The multitude of optimization techniques is central to Operational Research and Management Science both as a solution tool and modelling device. Operational Research has been widely and intensively used in business, industry, and government as well as in climate mitigation policies, health care and Bioinformatics. The latter one is turned from multidisciplinary into transdisciplinary research, which gives to the Operational Research (OR) a new perspective of relevance. For all above-mentioned problems there is available a huge number of mehods and techniques based on Operational Research. These procedures include among others , exact and approximation algorithms along with heuristics and metaheuristics. Operational Research is present in everyday life of hundreds of millions of people through logistics, network management, environmental assesssment, trasportation facilities and several other applications improving the life of individuals and organisations all round the world. Concisely, OR is characterized by scientific methods, especially, mathematical and statistical methods in theory of decision making.