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An Object Classification Method for OODB

Conventional object-oriented database systems (OODBS) provide good facilities for creating objects according to the static class lattice, but lack classification mechanism for existing objects. This is needed for capturing dynamic nature of real world objects. The main contribution of the research is the application of Galois approach to dynamic classification of objects in OODB. First, we defined an object model as the Galois lattice of binary relationship between objects and classes they belong to. Second, we have shown that an object classifier can be built on the basis of construction of such a model. We informally presented a couple of examples to illustrate the idea of using the object classifier for recovering class lattice, controlling object migration and maintaining OO views. We argued that such an object classifier can be easily used for building tools for visualisation and querying of meta-information concerning context of object base.

The future work will be mainly concerned with several aspects of applicability and the usage of the approach for recovering class lattice from object base and checking conformance of object base and its class lattice.

Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997