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References of the Section

  1. S.Tupailo. General Methods in Inductive Program Synthesis. Research Report CS88/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, 1996, - 23 pp.
  2. J.Penjam. Experimets on Training of Hidden Bayesian Networks in the NUT System. Research Report, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, 1996. (Koostamisel).
  3. R.Valt. Extentions to the NUT Environment. Research Report TRITA-IT R 96:12, KTH, Stockholm, 1996, -32 pp.
  4. T.Uustalu, V.Vene. A Cube of Proof-systems for Intuitionistic Predicate mu,nu-logic. In the Abstracts of the "8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory ", Oslo, 1996). (AC)

Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997