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My research work (project "Knowledge Based Systems", nr. 070100) in the
year 1996 has been done mainly in two areas:
- visual specification environments;
- programming language interoperability issues.
As a result the following extensions and changes were made to the NUT
- Possibility to visually specify class inheritance in the NUT scheme
editor window.
- Improved NUT considering solving reflective programming tasks. Removed
length limitation of NUT text object allowing to modify arbitrary long
program texts. Also problems related to proper updates of modified
programs in NUT class and scheme editor windows were solved.
- Mechanism for extending dynamically NUT virtual machine with external
programs written in native code was added to the NUT programming
environment. The following existing C-libraries were ported to NUT DLL-s
(dynamically loadable libraries):
- library with random number generating functions;
- library for generating graph layouts;
- library for simulating discrete events;
- NUT-Matlab interface library;
- NUT-Tcl/Tk interface library.
Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997