Next: Defences of Dissertations
Up: Research Activites in 1996
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- H.-M Haav. An Object Classifier Based on Galois Approach. In: H. Kangassalo,
J.F. Nilsson (Eds), Preprint of Proc. of the Sixth European-Japanese Seminar on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Denmark, 1996, Section 24, -13 pp. (AC)
- H.-M.Haav, Thalheim B. (Eds). Databases and Information Systems. Proc. of the
Second International Baltic Workshop, Tallinn, June12-14, 1996, Vol. I - Research Track,
-232 pp, Vol. II - Technology Track, -178 pp, Tampere University of Technology Press, 1996. (AC)
- H.-M.Haav, J.Penjam.(Eds). Databases and Information Systems. Proc. of Doctoral Consortium of the Second International Baltic Workshop, Tallinn, June 12-14, 1996, Technical Report CS87/96, Tallinn, 1996, -80 pp. (AG)
- H.-M. Haav. Second International Baltic Workshop on Databases and Information Systems. In: Baltic IT Review, 1996 (to appear). (AB)
- M.Harf. Programmide automaatne süntees regulaarsetel struktuuridel. Research Report CS89/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn 1996, -12 lk. (in Estonian). (KT)
- J.Hooman, J.Vain Integrated Technique for Developing Real-Time Systems. Journal of System Architecture, Elsevier, 1996.
- H.Jaakkola, A.Kalja. Improving IT Education in Estonian Universities. In: Portland University Press, Oregon, USA (to appear). (A?)
- A.Järg. Visuaalkujutiste interpreteerimine (Digital Image Interpretation).
TTÜ diplomitöö, Tallinn, 1996, -44 lk., juh. J.Penjam (in Estonian). (KT)
- A.Kalja, H.Jaakkola. IT Strategies and Government IT Policy in Estonia - Changes and Foreign Influences. In: Technology Management Journal, Vol. 3. No. 3, 1997 (to appear). (A?)
- U.Kaljulaid. On two discrete models concerning structures of
mathematics and languages. Schola Biotheoretica XXII, "Life Languages",
Acad of Sci. Publ., Tartu-Tallinn, 1996, pp 84-95. (AG)
- U.Kaljulaid, J.Penjam. Automata, their wreath and fiber products, with applications to Concurrency models. (Manuscript, -31 pp; texts of a paper and conf. proc. in preparation). (KT)
- K.Kotkas (Uustalu). Loomulikus keeles esitatud arvutusülesannete automaattöötlus (Automatic Processing of Computational Problems Presented in a Natural Language)
. TTÜ diplomitöö, Tallinn, 1996, -61 lk, juh. J.Penjam (in Estonian).
URL: file://
- M.Kääramees. Implementing Duration Calculus Specifications by Timed Automata. In: Abstracts NWPT'96, Oslo, 1996, p. 10.
- M.Kääramees, M.R.Hansen. Transformin DC Implementables into Timed Automata. 9th Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems. June 11 - 13, Spain, 1997 (to appear).
- M.Matskin, H.-M.Haav. A Deductive Object-Oriented Approach to Information System Modeling. In: J. Eder, L.A. Kalinichenko (Eds) Advances in Databases and Information
Systems, Workshops In Computing Series, Springer, 1996, pp 459-479. (AC)
- M.Matskin, J.Komarowski, H.M.Haav, Partial Deduction in the Framework of Structural Synthesis of Programs. (To appear in the Proceedings of the "8th Nordic Workshop
on Programming Theory ", Oslo, 1996). (AC)
- M.Meriste. Arvutuskeskuse muutuv roll (1). A & A, nr.4, 1996, lk. 2-6 (in Estonian).
- M.Meriste. Arvutuskeskuse muutuv roll (2). A & A, nr.5, 1996, lk. 2-8 (in Estonian).
- M.Meriste. Arvutiga reisile. A & A, nr.6, 1996, lk. 2-5 (in Estonian).
- M.Meriste, J.Penjam, Attributed Models of Computing. In Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Engin., 1995, 1, 2, pp. 139-157. (AE)
- M.Meriste, J.Penjam, V.Vene. Models of Automata, Research Report CS90/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, 1996, -22 pp. (KT)
- G.Mints, S.Tupailo, W.Buchholz. Epsilon substitution method for elementary analysis. Archive for Mathematical Logic (1996) 35: 103-130. (AA)
- G.Mints, S.Tupailo. Epsilon-Substitution Method for the Ramified Languageand
-comprehension Rule. CSLI Publication Series, Stanford University, CSLI-96-198, Part 1. (AC)
- J.Penjam. Teadmiste kontekstuaalse kirjeldamise ja analüüsi mudelid. Research Report CS86/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn 1996, -27 lk. (in Estonian).
URL: file://
- J.Penjam. National Report of Estonia. In: Proc. of the Evaluation Conference in Inter University Co-operation in Europe in the Field of Computing, Dublin City University, 1996, 176-184 pp. (AC)
- J.Penjam. Modernisation and Modularization of Curricula for the Teaching of Advanced Information Technology Report of an external adviser, TEMPUS JEP-06032, Tallinn, 1996, - 15 pp. (KT)
- J. Penjam. Informatics Curricula in Estonia In: Baltic IT Review, 1996, -10 pp (to appear). (AB)
- J.Penjam. Report of the Workshop on Information Technology, Computer Science and Software Engineering, TEMPUS Baltic Joint European Project Seminar, Jurmala, Sept. 1996, - 11 pp. (KT)
- J.Penjam, M.Meriste. Attributed Automata Model of Computing. In: Abstracts of NWPT'96, Oslo, 1996, p. 21. (AC)
- J.Penjam, M.Meriste, V.Vene. Attributed Automata Model of Computing -21 pp. (To appear in the Proceedings of the "8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory ", Oslo, 1996). (AC)
- S.Tupailo. Hilbert's Epsilon-Symbol in Predicative Subsystems of Analysis. Dissertationes Mathematicae Universitatis Tartuensis, 13. Tartu University Press, 1996, -132 pp. (AG)
- S.Tupailo. General Methods in Inductive Program Synthesis. Research Report CS88/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn 1996, -23 pp.
URL: file://
- J.Vain. Integrating Methods for the Design of Real-Time Systems. In: Abstracts NWPT'96, Oslo, 1996, p. 32.
- J.Vain, A.Ravn. Program design for hybrid systems. LN in CS, "Hybrid Systems IV" (to appear).
- R.Valt. Technical Report: Extensions to the NUT Environment, TRITA-IT R 96:12, May 1996. (KT)
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Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997