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List of Publications

  1. H.-M Haav. An Object Classifier Based on Galois Approach. In: H. Kangassalo, J.F. Nilsson (Eds), Preprint of Proc. of the Sixth European-Japanese Seminar on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Denmark, 1996, Section 24, -13 pp. (AC) gif

  2. H.-M.Haav, Thalheim B. (Eds). Databases and Information Systems. Proc. of the Second International Baltic Workshop, Tallinn, June12-14, 1996, Vol. I - Research Track, -232 pp, Vol. II - Technology Track, -178 pp, Tampere University of Technology Press, 1996. (AC)

  3. H.-M.Haav, J.Penjam.(Eds). Databases and Information Systems. Proc. of Doctoral Consortium of the Second International Baltic Workshop, Tallinn, June 12-14, 1996, Technical Report CS87/96, Tallinn, 1996, -80 pp. (AG)

  4. H.-M. Haav. Second International Baltic Workshop on Databases and Information Systems. In: Baltic IT Review, 1996 (to appear). (AB)

  5. M.Harf. Programmide automaatne süntees regulaarsetel struktuuridel. Research Report CS89/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn 1996, -12 lk. (in Estonian). (KT)

  6. J.Hooman, J.Vain Integrated Technique for Developing Real-Time Systems. Journal of System Architecture, Elsevier, 1996.

  7. H.Jaakkola, A.Kalja. Improving IT Education in Estonian Universities. In: Portland University Press, Oregon, USA (to appear). (A?)

  8. A.Järg. Visuaalkujutiste interpreteerimine (Digital Image Interpretation). TTÜ diplomitöö, Tallinn, 1996, -44 lk., juh. J.Penjam (in Estonian). (KT)

  9. A.Kalja, H.Jaakkola. IT Strategies and Government IT Policy in Estonia - Changes and Foreign Influences. In: Technology Management Journal, Vol. 3. No. 3, 1997 (to appear). (A?)

  10. U.Kaljulaid. On two discrete models concerning structures of mathematics and languages. Schola Biotheoretica XXII, "Life Languages", Acad of Sci. Publ., Tartu-Tallinn, 1996, pp 84-95. (AG)

  11. U.Kaljulaid, J.Penjam. Automata, their wreath and fiber products, with applications to Concurrency models. (Manuscript, -31 pp; texts of a paper and conf. proc. in preparation). (KT)

  12. K.Kotkas (Uustalu). Loomulikus keeles esitatud arvutusülesannete automaattöötlus (Automatic Processing of Computational Problems Presented in a Natural Language) . TTÜ diplomitöö, Tallinn, 1996, -61 lk, juh. J.Penjam (in Estonian).
    URL: file:// (KT)

  13. M.Kääramees. Implementing Duration Calculus Specifications by Timed Automata. In: Abstracts NWPT'96, Oslo, 1996, p. 10.

  14. M.Kääramees, M.R.Hansen. Transformin DC Implementables into Timed Automata. 9th Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems. June 11 - 13, Spain, 1997 (to appear).

  15. M.Matskin, H.-M.Haav. A Deductive Object-Oriented Approach to Information System Modeling. In: J. Eder, L.A. Kalinichenko (Eds) Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Workshops In Computing Series, Springer, 1996, pp 459-479. (AC)

  16. M.Matskin, J.Komarowski, H.M.Haav, Partial Deduction in the Framework of Structural Synthesis of Programs. (To appear in the Proceedings of the "8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory ", Oslo, 1996). (AC)

  17. M.Meriste. Arvutuskeskuse muutuv roll (1). A & A, nr.4, 1996, lk. 2-6 (in Estonian).

  18. M.Meriste. Arvutuskeskuse muutuv roll (2). A & A, nr.5, 1996, lk. 2-8 (in Estonian).

  19. M.Meriste. Arvutiga reisile. A & A, nr.6, 1996, lk. 2-5 (in Estonian).

  20. M.Meriste, J.Penjam, Attributed Models of Computing. In Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Engin., 1995, 1, 2, pp. 139-157. (AE)

  21. M.Meriste, J.Penjam, V.Vene. Models of Automata, Research Report CS90/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, 1996, -22 pp. (KT)

  22. G.Mints, S.Tupailo, W.Buchholz. Epsilon substitution method for elementary analysis. Archive for Mathematical Logic (1996) 35: 103-130. (AA)

  23. G.Mints, S.Tupailo. Epsilon-Substitution Method for the Ramified Languageand tex2html_wrap_inline395 -comprehension Rule. CSLI Publication Series, Stanford University, CSLI-96-198, Part 1. (AC)

  24. J.Penjam. Teadmiste kontekstuaalse kirjeldamise ja analüüsi mudelid. Research Report CS86/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn 1996, -27 lk. (in Estonian).
    URL: file:// (KT)

  25. J.Penjam. National Report of Estonia. In: Proc. of the Evaluation Conference in Inter University Co-operation in Europe in the Field of Computing, Dublin City University, 1996, 176-184 pp. (AC)

  26. J.Penjam. Modernisation and Modularization of Curricula for the Teaching of Advanced Information Technology Report of an external adviser, TEMPUS JEP-06032, Tallinn, 1996, - 15 pp. (KT)

  27. J. Penjam. Informatics Curricula in Estonia In: Baltic IT Review, 1996, -10 pp (to appear). (AB)

  28. J.Penjam. Report of the Workshop on Information Technology, Computer Science and Software Engineering, TEMPUS Baltic Joint European Project Seminar, Jurmala, Sept. 1996, - 11 pp. (KT)

  29. J.Penjam, M.Meriste. Attributed Automata Model of Computing. In: Abstracts of NWPT'96, Oslo, 1996, p. 21. (AC)

  30. J.Penjam, M.Meriste, V.Vene. Attributed Automata Model of Computing -21 pp. (To appear in the Proceedings of the "8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory ", Oslo, 1996). (AC)

  31. S.Tupailo. Hilbert's Epsilon-Symbol in Predicative Subsystems of Analysis. Dissertationes Mathematicae Universitatis Tartuensis, 13. Tartu University Press, 1996, -132 pp. (AG)

  32. S.Tupailo. General Methods in Inductive Program Synthesis. Research Report CS88/96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn 1996, -23 pp.
    URL: file://

  33. J.Vain. Integrating Methods for the Design of Real-Time Systems. In: Abstracts NWPT'96, Oslo, 1996, p. 32.

  34. J.Vain, A.Ravn. Program design for hybrid systems. LN in CS, "Hybrid Systems IV" (to appear).

  35. R.Valt. Technical Report: Extensions to the NUT Environment, TRITA-IT R 96:12, May 1996. (KT)

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Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997