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Specialization of the Software Department

The main results of basic research studies have been related to computational logic (Prof. G.Mints, T.Tammet), semantics of knowledge and programs
(J.Penjam) and data (A.Kalja, H.-M.Haav), structural program synthesis and knowledge representation (Prof. E.Tyugu). The previously introduced original method for automatic program construction from logical specifications has been transformed into the algorithm for satisfaction of functional constraint network (E.Tyugu, J.Penjam, T.Uustalu). At present dynamic semantics of object-oriented programming languages and transformational program synthesis methods are being studied (H.-M. Haav, M.Matskin).

Programming languages and systems have been a traditional research field of the Software Department of the IoC during 15 years. Last five years the problem of combining different programming models has been investigated. The most interesting result in this direction is the development and implementation of the NUT system. The NUT system provides an object-oriented language and environment for constraint-based specification of problems. Integration of different programming paradigms allow effective satisfaction of functional constraints. This work was at the beginning partially supported by All-Union Project "START" on development of new generation computing environments (see in E.Tyugu. "Three New-Generation Software Environments". In Comm.ACM, vol.34, n.3, June 1991). From 1992, these investigations have continued in the deep cooperation with Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). One of the most interesting results of this cooperation has been Graphical specification of constraints.

By the way, at the same time the group has implemented several programming systems that have had a commercial success. Other implementations of the Software Department:

Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997