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Chair of Theoretical Informatics

The chair of Theoretical Computer Science was established in January 1994 as a joint enterprise between the IoC and Tallinn Technical University (TTU). This event together with the several TEMPUS projects where the department is involved should support gradual unification of the basic research in Academy of Sciences and Universities.

The Chair for Theoretical Computer Science belongs to the Institute of Automatics and Systems Theory of the TTU. Actually the staff of the Chair integrates research fellows of the IoC and some post graduate students form the TTU.

The Chair is regularly giving four courses:

In cooperation with Prof. E. Tõugu from the Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden, two more courses are given at TTU in every second year:

The four new courses are under the preparation:

Jaan Penjam
Thu Jan 23 11:38:07 EET 1997