On Sun stations operating system software Solaris 2.5 is used that consists of SunOS Release 5.5 and OpenWindows Version 3.5. The httpd from CERN is used as WWW server. Also several end-user systems are available e.g. a WWW clients Mosaic and Netscape, MS Windows environment emulator Wabi, Macintosh Application Environment MAE with Microsoft Office Standard, Java Developer's Kit JDK with the Java WorkShop, electronic mailing systems mailtool, elm and pine, file transfer program ftptool, text editors vi, emacs, and textedit, GNU C/C++ compiler gcc, text editing system LaTeX (version 3.1415 distribution of june 1995) with packages BABEL, amscd, times, ulem, and GRAPHICS, previewer for viewing dvi-format files xdvi, toolkit for converting dvi-format files to PostScript files dvips5.58, previewers for viewing and printing PostScript files ghostview and pageview, toolkits Practical Extraction and Report Language Release 5.0 Patchlevel 01 (Perl) and Tool Command Language Release 7.5 (Tcl), editing system FrameMaker release 5, Prototype Verification System for specifying digital systems PVS release 1 which consists of a specification language, a parser, a typechecker, a prover, specification libraries, and various browsing tools, toolkit for converting various image formats to and from portable formats PBMPLUS, object graphics editor xfig, toolkits for converting texts from LaTeX\ format to HTML and to RTF format, toolkit for preparing HTML files gnnpress etc. The WWW homepage access counter Count Release 2.3, Wide Area Information Server system Release 2.60 (WAIS), Post Office Protocols pop2 and pop3, and ListProcessor system version 6.0 writed by Anastasios C. Kotsikonas are available. On Sun stations an object-oriented programming system NUT is installed - originally created in the IOC and currently being developed within the framework of joint cooperation between IOC and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) of Sweden. There is a public hard disk area on the server (anonymous ftp). From there without password anyone can transfer files anywhere over the Internet. At present one can find lecture notes of "Theoretical Informatics" and "Computational Logic" for TTU students there and information about software department and programming system NUT.
The IBM PC type computers are controlled by the Novell advanced network operating system Netware 4.1. Every PC has the operating system MS Windows 95 with Microsoft Office Profesional. One PC has a fax-modem card and a phone connected, so faxes (anything printable under MS Windows) can be sent and received using QuickLink II Fax. On one PC Linux and a package for computer control Control Lab B with LEGO bricks are available. On one PC C-Priz - an intelligent software tool for MS Windows graphical environment is being developed.