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Applied Wave Mathematics : Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods / Eds. E. Quak, T. Soomere. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2009. xii, 471 p.



Berezovski A., Engelbrecht J., Maugin G. A. Numerical simulation of waves and fronts in inhomogeneous solids. - New Jersey : World Scientific, 2008. xi, 223 p. - (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series A ; 62).

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Geometric modelling, numerical simulation, and optimization: applied mathematics at SINTEF / Eds. G. Hasle, K.-A. Lie, E. Quak. - Berlin : Springer, 2007. 558 p.



Acoustic interactions with submerged elastic structures. Part II : Propagation, ocean acoustics and scattering : a Herbert Überall festschrift volume / Eds. A. Guran, G. Maugin, J. Engelbrecht, M. Werby. - Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. xix, 367 p. - (Series on Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems, Series B ; Vol. 5).

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Engelbrecht J. Nonlinear wave dynamics: complexity and  simplicity. - Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. xiv, 183 p. - (Kluwer texts in the mathematical sciences ; 17).

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Engelbrecht J. An introduction to asymmetric solitary waves. - Harlow : Longman Scientific & Technical, 1991. 280 p. - (Pitman monographs and surveys in pure and applied mathematics ; 56).

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Engelbrecht J. K., Fridman V. E., Pelinovsky E. N. Nonlinear evolution equations / Ed. A. Jeffrey. - Harlow : Longman Scientific & Technical, 1988. 122 p. - (Pitman research notes in mathematics series ; 180).

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Пелиновский, Е. Н., Фридман, В. Е., Энгельбрехт, Ю. К. Нелинейные эволюционные уравнения / Академии наук Эстонской ССР, Институт кибернетики. Таллинн : Валгус, 1984. 154 c.

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Engelbrecht J. Nonlinear wave processes of deformation in solids. - Boston : Pitman, 1983. ix, 223 p. - (Monographs and Studies in Mathematics ; 16).

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Энгельбрехт, Ю. К., Нигул, У. K. Нелинейные волны деформации / Академия наук СССР, Академия наук Эстонской ССР. Институт кибернетики. Москва : Наука, 1981. 256 c.

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