Steering Committee of TestCom
John Derrick, Chairman, U of Sheffield, UKAna R. Cavalli, INT, France
Roland Groz, LSR-IMAG, France
Alexandre Petrenko, CRIM, Canada
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Alexandre Petrenko, CRIM, Canada (TESTCOM), General ChairMargus Veanes, Microsoft Research, USA (TESTCOM)
Wolfgang Grieskamp, Microsoft Research, USA (FATES)
Jan Tretmans, Embedded Systems Institute, the Netherlands (FATES)
Program Committee
Bernhard K. Aichernig, TU Graz, AustriaPaul Baker, Motorola, UK
Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Gregor v. Bochmann, U of Ottawa, Canada
Juris Borzovs, U of Latvia, Latvia
Rachel Cardell-Oliver, U of W. Australia, Australia
Richard Castanet, LABRI, France
Sarolta Dibuz, Ericsson, Hungary
Khaled El-Fakih, American U of Sharjah, UAE
Jens Grabowski, U of Göttingen, Germany
Wolfgang Grieskamp, Microsoft Research, USA (co-chair)
Marie-Claude Gaudel, U of Paris-Sud, France
Rob Hierons, Brunel U, UK
Teruo Higashino, Osaka U, Japan
Dieter Hogrefe, U of Göttingen, Germany
Antti Huima, Conformiq Software Ltd., Finland
Thierry Jéron, IRISA Rennes, France
Ferhat Khendek, Concordia U, Canada
Myungchul Kim, ICU, Korea
Hartmut König, BTU Cottbus, Germany
Victor V. Kuliamin, ISP RAS, Russia
David Lee, Ohio State U, USA
Bruno Legeard, Leirios, France
Alexander Letichevsky, Institute of Cybernetics, Ukraine
Giulio Maggiore, Telecom Italia Mobile, Italy
Brian Nielsen, U of Aalborg, Denmark
Manuel Núñez, UC de Madrid, Spain
Ian Oliver, Nokia Research, Finland
Doron Peled, U of Bar-Ilan, Israel
Alexandre Petrenko, CRIM, Canada, General Chair
Alexander Pretschner, ETH, Switzerland
Harry Robinson, Google, USA
Vlad Rusu, IRISA Rennes, France
Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Kenji Suzuki, U of Electro-Communications, Japan
Jan Tretmans, Embedded Systems Institute, the Netherlands (co-chair)
Andreas Ulrich, Siemens, Germany
Hasan Ural, U of Ottawa, Canada
Mark Utting, U of Waikato, New Zealand
M Ümit Uyar, City U of New York, USA
Jüri Vain, Tallinn U of Technology, Estonia
Margus Veanes, Microsoft Research, USA (co-chair)
Carsten Weise, Ericsson, Germany
Burkhart Wolff, ETH, Switzerland
Jianping Wu, Tsinghua U, China
Nina Yevtushenko, Tomsk State U, Russia
Zheng Zhang, Microsoft Research Asia, China