June 26-29 2007, Tallinn, Estonia


Types of contributions

Different kinds of contributions are solicited for TESTCOM/FATES'07:


Contributions for TESTCOM/FATES'07 have to be submitted electronically in PDF format at http://www.easychair.org/TESTCOMFATES07. Research papers have to follow the Springer LNCS paper format; see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.

All full research paper contributions will be thoroughly reviewed by the Program Committee. Work-in-progress, position papers, short experience reports, and tool demonstration proposals will undergo a lightweight reviewing process. Tutorial proposals will be selected based on the expected benefit for the conference attendees.

The type of contribution - full theory-oriented research paper, full application-oriented research paper, work-in-progress, position paper, short experience report, tool demonstration, and tutorial proposals - must be explicitly stated by the author(s) upon submission via the conference website. The type of submission influences the review criteria as described in the types of contributions.

Accepted contributions must be presented at the conference. Accepted full research papers will be published in proceedings by Springer in the LNCS series; see http://www.springeronline.com/lncs. Accepted short contributions will be published in a Technical Report of Tallinn University of Technology with an ISBN number. LNCS formatting guidelines should be followed both for full research papers and short contributions.